Leave Nothing to Chance

Carlyle Street is a brand consultancy that provides certainty to CEOs, government officials and celebrities in an increasingly complex global political and media landscape.

Service Offering

High-profile people and organizations are in a tough spot. It has never been harder to navigate the increasingly tumultuous waters of today’s news and social media cycles.

Fans expect more from their favorite celebrities. Voters want perfection from their elected officials. And consumers demand social activism from their favorite brands.

We work hand-in-glove with executive leadership teams to deliver extraordinary solutions to these critical challenges.

Strategic Communications
  • The construction of a short, medium and long term communications plan
  • Rapid response assistance surrounding campaigns or pressing issues
  • Strategic media placements and targeted publicity
Crisis Management
  • Minute-to-minute guidance on how to strategically engage the media, shareholders and other stakeholders as a crisis develops
  • Outward-facing engagement with press and/or tactical advice to internal staff on press management mid-crisis
  • The creation and execution of a post-crisis brand rehabilitation roadmap
Political Affairs
  • Specialized guidance on how to effectively engage and influence public sector decision makers on pressing issues
  • Assistance with securing meetings with principals and senior advisors in Congress and the administration
  • Counsel on the most effective ways to deploy financial contributions
Media Relations
  • Aggressive shaping of stories with reporters to elevate the client and anonymously besmirch opponents
  • Media training and interview messaging practice for principals

Political Intelligence

Our new political intelligence offering provides clarity in a chaotic geopolitical environment.

Deal Briefings

Bespoke reports outlining the geopolitical risks of potential investments and acquisitions.

Roadshow Meetings

An on-campus visit for boards of directors and leadership teams who need clarity and forward-looking insight on decisions from Washington and London.

The Wrap-up

A weekly briefing detailing the latest on-the-ground intelligence from Democratic and Republican offices around Capitol Hill.

Every challenge has a solution.

Our tactical team will develop a custom battle plan that moves the needle on the issues that matter to you.